Discover 5 facts about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Discover 5 facts about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

Joseph is the character appearing in the most film adaptations

Another reason that makes Joseph one of the more popular JoJos is the fact that he has appeared in quite a few anime adaptations. Until his appearance, he was tied to Jotaro for the time being. When Jotaro appeared in the OVA and seasons two through four, Joseph appeared in the OVA with seasons 1 to 3.

10 facts about JoJos Bizarre Adventure 3 - JJBA Store

Of course, Jotaro will beat Joseph as season 5 will include the Stone Ocean where he makes a pretty standout appearance. But Joseph still has a few years left before losing his first position. In the future, fans can hardly see the animated Joseph again.

JoJo is unique against all three main threats

There are three exact threats that define JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure – Vampires, Pillars, and Perpetual Users. He fights the vampire Straizo at the beginning of the Trend of Fight; The Four Pillars of Men throughout the remainder of Part II; and many Users standing in Part III.

While Jotaro fights the Vampire and the User stands up, he never gets a chance to meet any of the Turrets. In fact, Joseph is the only main character who actually fought Pillar Man. The only other characters to fight the Pillar Men are Caesar and Lisa Lisa, both of which are just supporting characters.

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Joseph is the only character who can use Hamon & A Stand

Joseph is a particularly interesting character as he was introduced as the main character before Stands was created in concept form. As a result, he becomes the only character in the franchise that can use both Hamon and Stand.

Of course, the Stardust Crusader prioritized the Stands, which meant his Hamon went up a lot in Season III, but there’s one interesting detail about Joseph keeping the series from its roots. Season IV was Joseph’ appearance, which also meant that I was the last time Hamon was directly referenced in the pre-Steel Ball Run series.

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Hamon is always young even in old age

Joseph, being a bummer, actually kept up with his Hamon training after Battle Tendency. Instead, he settles into life with Suzi Q and becomes a real estate agent. That said, Hamon flowed through him quite forcefully, so while he was still as young as Lisa Lisa, he gracefully aged.

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By Part III, Joseph turns 70 while looking like an extremely healthy man in his fifties. Unfortunately, the next ten years did not end well for him. Revived from his fight with DIO, he slows down and his mind will eventually chase him.

Joseph & Jonathan Share a Stance

This makes it all more interesting technically sharing a Stand. Early in Part III, DIO used a stand that looked very similar to Joseph’s Hermit Purple. Araki revealed that he originally intended the World to become the symbol of all Brackets. After this is removed, the DIO’s Hermit Purple Stand is revealed as Jonathan’s Body Stand.

This marks the only case in the franchise where two different characters have the same Brackets. Likely traced to their training with Hamon, that makes sense. Hermit Purple is clearly inspired by Hamon, which both Jonathan and Joseph are masters of. Interestingly, the unorthodox document you come to Jonathan’s Stand is not Hermit Purple, but rather The Passion, which connects him to Jesus (and as a result Steel Ball Run).

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