Darling In The Franxx: 5 Reasons Why Mitsuru Was Kokoro’s Right Choice

Mitsuru and Kokoro - Darling In The FranXX Store

Kokoro is intimately associated with Mitsuru in the Trigger anime Darling in the Franxx. Here are five reasons why Mitsuru is an excellent pick.

Many fans were eager to see what Trigger’s new mecha anime Darling in the Franxx would bring to the table when it was revealed. The studio is known for producing one of the most well-known mecha anime series, Gurren Lagann, so fans were expecting something similar. The studio, on the other hand, most likely did not anticipate the amount of attention the characters and their love lives would receive.

While Hiro and Zero Two are the primary characters of Darling in the Franxx, an unexpected couple, Kokoro and Mitsuru, became the most popular in the series. Here are five reasons why Mitsuru was the best person for the job.

Mitsuru Has Always Attracted Kokoro’s Attention

Kokoro and Mitsuru - Darling In The FranXX Store

In Darling in the Franxx, Mitsuru and Kokoro made an unexpected pairing, but it was due to their personality. Kokoro, it turned out, was always watching Mitsuru and paying attention to him, even if he didn’t detect her stare.

This is because, when you dig further into each of their characters, their personalities are similar, which is a fact that will be discussed later in the essay.

Kokoro Revealed Her True Personality To Mitsuru First

Within the group, Kokoro was always referred to as the sweet and pleasant girl. Kokoro, on the other hand, did not completely expose her genuine personality or opinions to anyone else until she began interacting with Mitsuru more frequently.
Kokoro had a lot of thoughts about having children and becoming a mother, which she only told Mitsuru about. She also stated, echoing Mitsuru’s remarks, that she was not the person everyone believed she was.

Mitsuru And Kokoro Have A Natural Connection

While Futoshi had an unrequited love for Kokoro, she never expressed any romantic feelings for him. She flushed the one time she did because he called her “beautiful” without thinking about it.

Despite the fact that Kokoro and Mitsuru grew up together with the other children, they did not communicate much until they met in the garden. When they finally started conversing, it was clear that they had a natural connection.

Mitsuru And Kokoro Are Alike

Kokoro was first shown as a sweet, gentle girl with a delicate voice. She acted as the group’s mother figure. Mitsuru, on the other hand, was arrogant and uncaring about his companion, and he could barely pilot without becoming exhausted.

While this did not appear to reveal much on the surface, each of them was hiding behind a mask that we did not notice until they began conversing in the garden.

Mitsuru And Kokoro Truly Understand Each Other

Kokoro - Darling In The FranXX Store

This is the fundamental reason why, when Kokoro and Mitsuru became a couple, most fans of Darling in the Franxx were surprised. They had built upon their trust and demonstrated how they were as a character throughout the series and with each interaction.

While we were made to believe Kokoro is a sweet girl who always smiles, she despises herself for not acting like herself. Mitsuru, on the other hand, makes a concerted effort to be noticed. When the two form a relationship, they bring out the best in each other.

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